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Final Report: Survey of LGBTQ+ Older Adults in California
The Challenges to Resilience survey, launched in 2024, is the first statewide survey to begin filling data gaps related to this population. Funded and supported by the California Department of Aging (CDA) and other partners, the survey aligns with goals of California’s Master Plan for Aging, which is a blueprint to prepare state and local partners to meet the needs of California’s growing population of older adults. The survey drew responses from over 4,000 respondents from across the state, covering a variety of topics: economic well-being, social well-being, discrimination and safety, health care access, service utilization, mental health and substance use, and cognitive and physical health.
Summary Document: Survey of LGBTQIA+ Older Adults in California
The Challenges to Resilience survey, launched in 2024, is the first statewide survey to begin filling data gaps related to this population. Funded and supported by the California Department of Aging (CDA) and other partners, the survey aligns with goals of California’s Master Plan for Aging, which is a blueprint to prepare state and local partners to meet the needs of California’s growing population of older adults. The survey drew responses from over 4,000 respondents from across the state, covering a variety of topics: economic well-being, social well-being, discrimination and safety, health care access, service utilization, mental health and substance use, and cognitive and physical health.
Technologies to Help Older Adults Maintain Independence: Advancing Technology Adoption
Americans are living longer. And despite the health challenges of longevity, a majority of older adults hope to remain in their homes as long as possible.1 Fortunately, many technologies have the potential to help older adults maintain their independence and health. Technology is an enabler in creating systems of health and long- term care that are more integrated and reliable, and that address the needs of older adults in a more efficient and effective way. If these technologies could also mitigate the workforce shortages and financial burdens that are inherent to long-term care today, both older adults and society at large will benefit.
Research Areas & Topics: Telehealth, Health, Technology, Aging, Digital Health, Health Equity, CTA
Clinical COPD Questionnaire
Blank Clinical COPD Questionnaire
Research Areas & Topics: Technology, Aging, CTA
American Telemedicine Association’s Home Telehealth Clinical Guidelines
The need for homecare is expanding dramatically. There is a surge in the number of older adults in the United States with the aging of the baby boomers. People are living longer than ever before in history. They are better educated and are more comfortable with the use of technology. Most people want to remain independent and live in their homes for as long as possible, yet greater numbers of persons are suffering from chronic conditions. At the same time, the health care industry is facing a critical shortage of public resources, as well as nurses and other health care personnel to care for our population. Health care providers are forced to do more with less, with decreasing reimbursements and increased focused on quality and clinical outcomes.
Research Areas & Topics: Telehealth, Technology, Aging, Workforce, Innovation, CTA
ATA Home Telehealth Toolkit
The ATA Home Telehealth and Remote Monitoring SIG Toolkit Task Force, a group of clinicians and academicians involved with delivering or overseeing the delivery of home telehealth services, has developed this toolkit to provide guidelines and procedures for the design and delivery of home telehealth services for the benefit of patients, their families, and clinicians.
Research Areas & Topics: Telehealth, Health, Technology, Aging, Digital Health, Innovation, Mobile Devices, CTA
CT Pharm Toolkit
Each of these tools/resources could be adopted in whole or in part depending on program focus.
Research Areas & Topics: Technology, Aging, Innovation, CTA
IMPACT - CI Study Caregiver Interview
Blank CI Caregiver Survey
Research Areas & Topics: Technology, Aging, CTA
Form A, to be completed by a caregiver
Research Areas & Topics: Technology, Aging, CTA
Caring Choice Toolkit Plan
If you were to create a toolkit to help other organizations adopt and diffuse the medication optimization technology(s) being used in your project, what would you include in the toolkit?
Research Areas & Topics: Health, Technology, Aging, Health Equity, CTA
Chronic Disease Self-Efficacy Scales
These scales were developed and tested for the Chronic Disease Self-Management study. We use the shorter, 6-item scale now (shown in another document), as it is much less burdensome for subjects. There are 2 ways to format these items. We use the format above, because it takes up less room on the questionnaire. The other is shown on the web page.
Research Areas & Topics: Technology, Aging, Health Equity, CTA
Telehealth Patient Satisfaction Survey
This tool was submitted by Centura Health At Home as a part of their Enhancing the Home Telehealth Program with Call Center Activities project supported by the Center for Technology and Aging, Remote Patient Monitoring Diffusion Grants Program, 2010- 2011. Additional information is available at toolkit.techandaging.org
Research Areas & Topics: Telehealth, Technology, Aging, CTA
Medical Outcomes Study – SF-36 – 36-Item Short Form Survey Instrument
Developed at RAND as part of the Medical Outcomes Study
Research Areas & Topics: Technology, Aging, CTA
Telehealth Clinician Orientation and Training Tools
ADOPT Toolkit Accelerating Diffusion of Proven Technologies Centura Health at Home has submitted a set of tools to be used for nurse/clinicians during a telehealth orientation or training. These tools can be modified for other settings. Centura's project was to augment the current telehealth continuum by merging 24/7/365 call center activities with telehealth. The clinical call center was linked with telehealth monitors (inLife by American Telecare) and video conferencing system (American Telecare Lifeview) with the goal of decreasing hospital readmissions.
Research Areas & Topics: Telehealth, Technology, Aging, Workforce, Innovation, CTA
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Remote Patient Monitoring to Reduce Readmissions in a Medi-Cal Waiver Program
California Association of Health Services at Home’s goal with this project is to convince Californian’s Medi-Cal program to authorize and reimburse for RPM technology. The strategy is to conduct a carefully structured and evaluated pilot project in the Medi-Cal Waiver Program. This is a population of aged and chronically ill patients cared for at home in lieu of a skilled nursing facility or acute hospital. An additional advantage of conducting the pilot program in the Medi-Cal Waiver Program is that it does not require federal approval and can be implemented rapidly.
Research Areas & Topics: Telehealth, Technology, Aging, Health Equity, CTA
Selecting the right technology
Do assessment of technology including: - changes in equipment - services are being delivered in increasingly diverse ways
Research Areas & Topics: Technology, Aging, CTA
Telehealth Vendor Questionnaire
The following information, presented in separate analysis sections, is intended to provide a sample set of Telehealth Vendor Selection questions. Please note that as the specific definition and need for Telehealth will be determined by each user of this questionnaire, the sample questions will need to be edited and expanded. This need is most evident within section 4.0 FEATURE REQUIREMENTS where the questions are representative of several different types of Telehealth technologies/services, and, therefore, not intended to be used as a collective whole. Other sections, that are more commonly applicable, may require less modification.
Research Areas & Topics: Telehealth, Technology, Aging, CTA